Alaska Herpetological

2019 Conference
AHS is excited to announce that its 2019 Conference and Annual Meeting will take place at the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, May 18th-19th, 2019! Though we encourage everyone to attend in person, there will also be opportunities to attend via teleconference.

This year's conference will include:
Key Note Speaker - John Morton, Kenai NWR
Contributed Papers
Poster Session
Art / Photo Contest
Annual Business Meeting
Amphibian Field Outing
Evening Social Events
Several lodging opportunities will be available, please be sure to indicate your lodging needs when registering.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Registration is $20 for non-members (includes membership), $10 for members and students, and FREE for youth under 18 years of age.
We invite EVERYONE interested in giving a talk or poster on ANY herp-related subject to do so. These can be formal or informal. Papers will have the option of 15 or 30 minute presentations; posters can be displayed and presented without attending. The deadline for abstract submission is April 15.
We look forward to seeing and/or hearing from you!
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