Alaska Herpetological

Make A Donation
Our organization is young but growing rapidly. In order to accomplish our mission and to remain active, we seek your financial assistance in building our treasury. Please rest assured that your donations will be used solely to cover operational expenses related to the mission of the Alaska Herpetological Society (AHS). As a non-profit organization we strive to use proceeds in a responsible and conservative manner. Thank-you for supporting herpetological outreach, education, citizen science and research in Alaska!
Alaska Herpetology Research Grants
Goal: $1500.00 | Raised: $70.00
Started: April 4, 2013
Donate Now!

The Alaska Herpetological Society (AHS) is planning to establish a grants program to stimulate and support herpetological research in the state of Alaska. Several grants, depending on available funds, will be awarded annually to full-time students partaking in or planning to partake in herpetological research. We hope to initially offer one (possibly two) $500 grants to applicants selected by the Executive Board. Our proposed grant guidelines and stipulations can be reviewed by clicking HERE.
Your contribution to our grants program is very much appreciated. Contributed funds will be used soley for the grant program and its associated fundraising activities, including fees to participate in the Pick. Click. Give. program and for registering with the Alaska Department of Law as a charitable organization.
All donations are tax-deductible. Thanks so much for supporting Alaska's herpetofauna!
Completed Campaigns
501(c)3 Application